Experiments and theories both occur in the scientific method and start with a simple observation. Someone could say that a theory is proven by an experiment, however this is not the case. Hypothesises are proven or disproved by experiments, and experiments then can test a larger theory, but experiments themselves never prove a theory. Looking at Howard Gardner's work with multiple intelligences one of the biggest issue people have with it is that his theory is based too much on intuition. Gardner has indeed done experiments, but they do not prove his theory correct. Experiments are just evidence to support a theory, not to prove one. However because Gardner's work is so controversial it is hard to say that it can be called a theory at all. Some scientists like Doug Rohrer do not believe there is scientific evidence to back up the idea that different learning styles will help students learn. Now Rohrer didn't necessarily look into Gardner's work, but the overall idea of experiments supporting theories not proving them is there as well. Evidence is needed for a theory to be accepted, and experiments are just evidence to support a theory. Theories are not proven by experiments, but supported by them.